What is Sanctus Daily About?

January 3, 2024

Welcome to Sanctus Daily, the blog of Fr. John Gow, a Catholic priest.  This blog is intended to reach my parishioners as a resource they can visit throughout the week.  My vision was way too grandiose in my past blogging adventures, and my intended audience was too broad.  To keep things realistic, I aim to write for my parishioners first and foremost, giving them a place to learn more about the direction of my thoughts that weekend without having to sit through a lecture or lengthy homily.

The name of this blog is what I hope to offer.   I hope to offer reflections and thoughts on living holiness throughout the day.  As a priest, I can say firsthand that it is challenging to fit all that comes to mind into homilies that last ten minutes or less.  One of the challenges of synthesizing everything I want to preach about for one weekend is the possibility that I might be the only one who speaks to any given person that week about faith-related topics.  For years, I have thought, “What if I could reach them throughout the week and say the things I didn’t have time to say?”  This blog is my attempt at reaching anyone throughout their week interested in knowing more about those topics related to our Catholic faith.

Regardless of whether they are or have been a parishioner, anyone is welcome to stay and check things out.  It would bring me great pleasure to know that something I had to share inspired someone to learn more about living in a relationship with God.

The intended focus of this blog is to explore what holiness is and what the pursuit of it looks like for today’s Catholics.  The plan for now is to offer anyone material to reflect on the overall purpose of life as a child of God.  I aim to present reflections or summaries from Scripture, readings from saints, teachings from papal documents, and so on. These are meant to aid in thinking about holiness as taught by Christ and upheld by the Catholic Church.  I am not the definitive source on this matter; I am just someone trying to point the way as I walk down the same path.

Again … welcome.

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