
Welcome to Sanctus Daily, a blog in which I hope to explore what holiness is and what the pursuit of it looks like for today’s Catholics, which, as Catholics, we believe is a holiness that everyone shares a calling to. As the blog’s name implies, Sanctus, Latin for holy, is to be the focus of the material offered and to offer it as it applies to our daily living, this call to holiness.

A little about me: I am a Catholic priest. I have been ordained for over 15 years and had the privilege of serving at various parishes in that time. I am also the Spiritual Assistant to the Secular Discalced Carmelites in my Diocese. My primary audience is those I have or serve in those capacities. On the blog, I can offer additional resources or material that I didn’t have the opportunity to share at other times. If any material found here makes it further than that audience, I hope that whatever I share is helpful to you.

Thanks for visiting, and stay tuned for more.

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